Endpoint Protection and Bluehat

Supercharge your ability to prevent, detect and respond to cyber incidents

Endpoint Protection

While Endpoint Protection Platforms (EPP) are a great tool in the defense of your organisation they suffer from a number of limitations that until now we have had to accept while still paying the hefty price tag.

Limited Protection against Zero-Day Attacks

False Positives and Negatives

Insufficient Coverage against Sophisticated Attack Vectors

Too often the story heard is “we had <insert latest EDR/EPP tool> but the red-team was not detected”

The reason is simple and why we pioneered the creation of Threat Detection Bounty Programs

The expectation of any company, vendor or security team to have complete awareness and coverage of the active threat TTPs is fundamentally flawed.

Balancing True Positives, False Positives, Research and Development, ongoing Rule Tuning and management is not feasible regardless of whatever company it may be as doing that across all log types and threats just does not scale.

Through the power of the crowd, we unlock the ability for expertise to be brought to the forefront of your security posture without the impediments that exist in the traditional approach

The Bluehat platform
Supercharge your endpoint protection, detection & response

Expand Threat Coverage

Enhance your ability to identify advanced threats through bringing to bear the experts from all industries around the world motivated to help you protect your organisation

Reduce Complexity

Through the Bluehat Platform your barrier to gaining world class Threat Coverage is the following

1. Forward required telemetry log data

2. Define your threat coverage goals and rewards

Reduce Security Spend

Pay for results when threats are successfully identified

Maintain Control

Over your data and your security outcomes

Move beyond Endpoint Protection with Threat Detection Bounty Programs