Validate your SOC’s ability to identify threats

A second opinion never hurts

Let the army of bluehat hunters help validate your SOC’s detection capabilities

Traditional Threat Detection does not scale

  1. Evolving Threats: Outpacing ability to detect effectively

  2. High Cost, Low Return: Expensive & ineffective coverage

  3. Advanced Threats: Threat actors go undetected for longer

  4. Shifting Risks: As you focus in one area your risks increase elsewhere 

  5. Soaring Costs: Financial, technology & operational complexity

  6. Talent Gap: Finding and retaining is not feasible

Achieve world class threat coverage with

the BLUEHAT Threat Detection Bounty Platform

  1. Expand Threat Coverage: Keep pace with the threats as they evolve

  2. Sustainable and Reliable: Goodbye talent gap concerns

  3. Cost Effective: Pay for results from world class detection hunters

  4. Reduced Complexity: Collection & Transport the barrier to entry


Let’s catch up

And explore how you can increase security threat coverage while reducing your spend